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Psychometric profiles to help individuals and teams such as Myers-Briggs, FIRO-B, EQ, TMSDI and more. |
Over the years, GNA has come to realise the benefit of using a range of tools and profiles to support our work with managers, individuals and teams. Our consultants are trained to use the following:

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
GNA can supply the MBTI in a number of different languages either online or manual versions if preferred. All our consultants are qualified to administer the MBTI profile.
We often use Myers-Briggs as part of a management development initiative to help provide individuals with a better understanding of how they can use and adapt their preferences to get the best out of others. The other popular use is to support a coaching assignment, particularly as a diagnostic tool in the set up phase.
GNA also has experience of using MBTI in team development as part of a process where team members recognise personal strengths and preferences and how these can be best utilised to achieve performance objectives.

This is a powerful instrument that helps explain how personal needs can affect interpersonal relationships. The questionnaire can again be completed online or manually if preferred. Based on the work of Will Schulz in the 1950’s, it is another renowned profile that that highlights personal behavioural preference and how this can impact areas such as team dynamics, reactions to change and managing conflict.
Our consultants have used FIRO-B in the same situations as MBTI although the output offers different and interesting insights.

Belbin Team Roles
Belbin’s Team Roles Questionnaire is still internationally renowned as an insightful tool to highlight effective team performance. Simple to administer and easy to evaluate, it can help facilitate great discussions about valuing personal preference and overall team contribution.
At GNA, we have used Belbin mostly with in-tact teams, helping them to value individual preference and review the dynamics of the team.

Team Management Profile (TMSDI)
The Team Management Profile (administered by Team Management Systems Development International Ltd.) is a more contemporary profile that is favoured by some of our clients. Based on the research of Margerison and McCann, it provides a comprehensive insight into individual and team performance, using concepts that are quite closely aligned to the work of Myers-Briggs and Belbin.
GNA has consultants who are accredited to administer this profile.
Our experience in working with a range of organisations over the last twenty years has given us exposure to a variety of other profiling tools. Here are some others:
Thomas –Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI)
GNA has extensive experience of using this tool both with management and team development initiatives. The questionnaire helps individuals to understand their preferred style when faced with conflict and the model helps them to understand and develop alternative approaches to conflict situations.

Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI)
Another popular tool that complements the TKI above. The output of the SDI questionnaire can be used at both a personal or team level. It helps individuals to identify their personal strengths (a) when things are going well and (b) when they are in conflict and it is a great tool to help individuals improve working relationships by understanding the motivations of others.
Again, GNA has worked with clients using the SDI.
Thomas International DISC Profile
DISC is a well known profile, used by some of our clients, that highlights personal behavioural preference. We have used it as a tool to complement management development, as part of a diagnostic process for one to one coaching and also as an input to team development, particularly to facilitate discussions about the motivations of team members.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
The work of Daniel Goleman and the resultant EQ questionnaire is another useful personality profile that can complement other initiatives such as coaching, management and team development. Some of our consultants are licensed to use EQ.