Discover how GNA can develop effective performance with intact, remote and virtual teams.
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GNA focuses on improving the performance and potential of managers from diverse business cultures. |
GNA comprises a network of experienced and qualified coaches. |
Find out more about 20 / 20 Insight and how this great tool can be tailored to your business. |
Psychometric profiles to help individuals and teams such as Myers-Briggs, FIRO-B, EQ, TMSDI and more. |

What we do
For over twenty years, GNA has been helping managers and teams develop. Diverse organisations have benefited from a practical and applied approach provided by network of experienced consultants. Our associates are not academics. We are a group of people that have all managed across a variety of UK and global businesses. GNA has a practical understanding of the challenges facing today’s managers and teams. This includes:
- The pace of change means working smarter and getting up to speed quickly and effectively
- Globalisation and instant information have created huge pressures and require an understanding of culture and different ways of operating
- Reporting lines are often complex and boundaries are sometimes unclear
- Increasingly managers and teams are working in remote or virtual environments which presents challenges with communication, relationships and managing performance
- Personal leadership, with or without authority, and ability to network have never had greater significance

What Drives us
Our starting point with both managers and teams is business results and what the organisation is looking to achieve before addressing the behaviours that will help to get there.
We have a passion for creating learning experiences that are focused on application to work and invest time in trying to understand the culture and the climate of the organisations that we work with.

We are energised by enabling change that is sustainable and makes a real difference
We value challenge and feedback and promote them in an environment that is safe and confidential and that encourages individuals to experiment with their own behaviour
How it all started
Graham Neale set up the business in 1993. Having started working life as a Physical Education teacher, he worked in sales and sales management in the building material supply industry and then in training and management development roles before venturing into the world of training and management consultancy.

Graham’s early experience was in the facilitation of outdoor development programmes and his firm belief in the concept of learning by doing was inevitably shaped by seeing the impact that this style can have on the performance of individuals and teams. GNA consultants still adhere to the same doctrine and the ability to apply an experiential approach in a way that has business application is a quality that has differentiates GNA from some of our competitors.