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GNA focuses on improving the performance and potential of managers from diverse business cultures. |
GNA comprises a network of experienced and qualified coaches. |
Find out more about 20 / 20 Insight and how this great tool can be tailored to your business. |
Psychometric profiles to help individuals and teams such as Myers-Briggs, FIRO-B, EQ, TMSDI and more. |

There is no shortage of ‘Executive Coaches’ offering one to one support to middle and senior managers in organisations. For most people, the main challenge is finding the right coach and, even before that, being clear on what you are hoping to achieve by entering into a coaching relationship.
GNA has a network of experienced and talented coaches who are drawn from diverse backgrounds. All are formally accredited and have a passion for helping individuals to achieve business goals, change behaviour and realise potential. We can provide biographies and details of coaching credentials on request. A selection criterion that we believe to be essential to any potential coaching assignment is that you – the coachee – take time to meet and interview at least one and probably two potential coaches before deciding who to go with. We all know that it’s about chemistry and that it’s a decision that is too important to get wrong.

The Coaching Focus Questionnaire (below) has been designed to help you clarify your goals, whether personal or professional. Obviously, this background information is also useful to us at GNA and may help us to provide you with the coach best suited to your particular situation.
Coaching assignments in GNA vary in duration from 6 months to up to two years and the structure of a programme will be determined by individual need, the nature of the assignment and, in some cases, the organisation’s own policy in using external coaches.

The Sample Coaching Contract at the foot of the page is intended only as a guide to a working arrangement.
If you want to explore the benefits of an external coach but don’t know where to start or who to speak to, give us a call on:
+44 (0) 1483 797202 or +44 (0) 7802 741118
Coaching Focus Questionnaire - download
Sample Coaching Contract - download